Notice: Accounts can no longer be created and users will be unable to login. Please note the site's design and previous functionality may have broken in the archiving process.

MakeBuildy can:

Bring lightning-fast idea validation

Put the widget on a landing page to see if people need your project enough to throw an email down or tell their friends to help hit the goal.

mobile testing

Get a waitlist going

Finding users can be tough for some projects. Make it easier on yourself by only building it if there are enough people on the list for it to be sustainable.

Start a newsletter list

Want to reach the people who dropped an email? Easily export signups in into any campaign tool! (It exports in CSV)

message sent

Why build this?/Whats the price?

MakeBuildy is a test project for an upcoming Upakka feature down the line. We also wanted a better way to test ideas with signup goals when looking for validation on some projects. We want to see if people want a project enough to get involved alongside friends to hit a goal milestone to make someone build it. It's holding a product hostage to see if people want it without having to build it out first, in our case, to help get rid of the "build it and they will come" dilemma for some projects.

As for cost, it's 0$, we may release more for a small price if things kick off. As of right now, no gotchas to earn anything on this project courtesy of our hosting credits. We plan on keeping a free tier that is more than fair. At the moment, you may only have five websites because then more people can use the service.

To get started:

  • Make an account
  • Add a website
  • Add the widget to your site code.
  • Tell people to signup.
  • Done!


You are our everything, thanks for the visit and have a good day! ( ̄y▽ ̄)╭

Landing Inspiration.